Simplifying Package Management on Debian and Ubuntu: The Shift from apt-get to apt

apt-get vs apt: A Comparative Overview

In the world of Debian and Ubuntu systems, package management is a fundamental aspect of system administration and maintenance. Traditionally, apt-get has been the go-to command-line utility, known for its stability and robustness in handling package installations, updates, and removals. However, with the introduction of apt, a more streamlined and user-friendly interface is now recommended for interactive shell sessions. This article delves into the nuances of apt vs apt-get, highlighting the benefits of using apt in modern Debian and Ubuntu distributions.

The Advantages of Using apt

Simplified Syntax

apt boasts a simplified command syntax, making it more approachable for performing routine tasks such as installing, updating, and removing packages. This ease of use is particularly beneficial for new users or those who prefer a more streamlined command-line experience.

Progress Bar and Color Output

One of the immediate visual differences when using apt is its progress bar, which offers a dynamic representation of the installation or upgrade process. Combined with colorized output, apt‘s interface enhances readability and allows users to easily discern different sections of the output, making package management a more informative and engaging experience.

Consolidated Commands

With apt, common tasks are more straightforward. For instance, apt list –upgradable presents a clear, concise list of packages due for upgrades, while apt search facilitates efficient searching of packages. These improvements contribute to a more user-friendly environment for managing packages.

When to Stick with apt-get

Despite the appeal of apt for interactive usage, apt-get retains its significance, particularly in scripting and automation tasks. The output of apt-get is deliberately designed to be stable across versions, favoring predictability and consistency which is crucial for parsing outputs in scripts.

Practical Examples

To give you a better sense of apt in action, consider the following examples:

  • Updating Package Lists:
  sudo apt update

This command refreshes the local package index with the latest changes from the repositories, a necessary step before installing or upgrading packages.

  • Installing Packages:
  sudo apt install <package_name>

Replace <package_name> with the actual name of the package you wish to install. apt makes this process intuitive and informative.

  • Upgrading Packages:
  sudo apt upgrade

This command upgrades all upgradable packages on your system. With apt, you get a progress bar showing how the upgrades are proceeding.

  • Fixing Missing Dependencies:
  sudo apt update --fix-missing

This option attempts to correct a system with missing dependencies after a failed package installation.

Summary: Comparing apt and apt-get

To succinctly illustrate the differences and appropriate contexts for using apt versus apt-get, here’s a comparative summary in table format:

Feature/Use Caseaptapt-get
User InterfaceIntuitive and user-friendlyMore utilitarian, designed for scripting
OutputColor output and progress bar for installationsPlain, stable output ideal for parsing
SyntaxSimplified syntax for common tasksComprehensive command options
FunctionalityCombines features of apt-get and apt-cacheFocused on package management
Use in ScriptsNot recommended due to variable outputPreferred due to stable, predictable output
Searching PackagesSimplified with apt searchRequires apt-cache search
Listing UpgradesDirect with apt list --upgradableRequires a combination of commands
Upgrading PackagesStraightforward with apt upgradeUtilizes apt-get upgrade
Adding RepositoriesNot applicable (use add-apt-repository)Not applicable (use add-apt-repository)
Recommended UsageInteractive use in terminal for day-to-day tasksScripting and automation tasks

This table encapsulates the primary distinctions between apt and apt-get, highlighting the context-appropriate uses of each tool to optimize Debian and Ubuntu system management.

Usage Comparison: apt vs apt-get

For a clearer understanding of how apt and apt-get commands correlate with each other for different package management operations, the following table provides a direct comparison of commands for common tasks:

This table demonstrates the equivalent operations between apt and apt-get, showing the syntax differences and highlighting the simplified command structure offered by apt. While apt commands provide a more streamlined and informative experience for interactive shell sessions, apt-get remains crucial for scripts and automation due to its predictable output.

Taskapt Commandapt-get Command
Updating Package Listssudo apt updatesudo apt-get update
Upgrading Packagessudo apt upgradesudo apt-get upgrade
Upgrading with Automatic Removalsudo apt full-upgradesudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Installing Packagessudo apt install <package_name>sudo apt-get install <package_name>
Removing Packagessudo apt remove <package_name>sudo apt-get remove <package_name>
Purging Packagessudo apt purge <package_name>sudo apt-get purge <package_name>
Searching for Packagesapt search <query>apt-cache search <query>
Listing All Packagesapt listapt-cache dumpavail
Listing Installed Packagesapt list --installeddpkg --get-selections
Listing Upgradable Packagesapt list --upgradableapt-get --just-print upgrade
Checking for Broken Dependenciessudo apt checksudo apt-get check
Fixing Missing Dependenciessudo apt --fix-broken installsudo apt-get -f install
Cleaning Up Unused Packagessudo apt autoremovesudo apt-get autoremove
Clearing Local Repository of Package Filessudo apt autocleansudo apt-get autoclean
Removing Unused Packages and Configssudo apt auto-purgeNot directly available with apt-get
Downloading Package Without Installingsudo apt download <package_name>sudo apt-get download <package_name>
Displaying Package Informationapt show <package_name>apt-cache show <package_name>
Adding a PPA RepositoryNot applicable (use add-apt-repository)Not applicable (use add-apt-repository)


For day-to-day interactions on the command line, apt provides a more accessible and informative experience compared to apt-get. Its user-friendly design, coupled with features like progress bars and color output, makes package management more intuitive. However, for scripting and automation, apt-get‘s predictable output remains invaluable. By understanding the strengths of each tool, users can more effectively manage their Debian and Ubuntu systems.

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